- - By Scott Johnson
Toward Reflective Conversations: An Advising Approach that Promotes Self-Authorship
- - By Scott Johnson
- - By carol yeager
- - By Scott Johnson
Posted from Diigo. The rest of Rhizome14 group favorite links are here.
Tags: rhizo14, theory, learning, student-centered
Toward Reflective Conversations: An Advising Approach that Promotes Self-Authorship
Tags: rhizo14, learning, reflection
Tags: rhizo14, research, social, media
A new view on lurkers | Harold Jarche
For several years, there has been a rule-of-thumb, called “90-9-1″, that 90% of online participation in groups/communities consists of “lurkers” or more politely, “passive participants”, and only 1% are active creators. Jacob Nielsen’s 2006 post on Participation Inequality provides a good overview of this phenomenon. A recent BBC survey of 7,500 people shows significantly different results. Here we see that passive lurkers make up only 23% of participants; active (intense) participants have increased to 17%; and there is now an “Easy” group in the middle who, “ … respond largely to the activity of others. This includes replying, ‘liking’ and rating, all activities where there’s little effort, exposure or risk.”
Tags: rhizo14, rhizomatic learning, lurkers, participation
An Affinity for Asynchronous Learning - Hybrid Pedagogy
Wanna do a cMOOC? | doublemirror
Tags: scaffolding, explanation, communication, rhizo14
The Medium Is The Meaning We Consume and Create ... Together | Wirearchy
"Subsequently, the presence of electronic media for creating, distributing and communicating information, knowledge and meaning has grown more widely and more dramatically than perhaps even he could have foreseen. Within this context, I want to try to stitch together a few concepts, perspectives and examples with which I am more or less familiar and perhaps update the core implication of McLuhan’s famous phrase."
Tags: rhizo14, rhizomatic learning, McLuhan, community as curriculum, meaning
A Guide to the Building Blocks of Online Learning for Faculty
Tags: rhizo14, online, learning
THE RHIZOME AS A FIELD OF BROKEN BONES - poetry - Margaret Randall
Tags: rhizome, rhizo14, #rhizo14, poetry, Margaret Randall, NM-poet