Sunday, November 15, 2015

A monstrous week @HackEducation Weekly #Newsletter, No. 136

with a brief introductory note by way of explanation. Education and technology posts don't really have a place of their but usually go to education related blogs. But this newsletter is as much about the intersection of computing, education and culture as education and technology. I read and think about, follow courses and collect links on the same topics. That makes it a personal interest. Reading some of her selections should explain why they interest me. I'm still explaining to myself (and anyone following my rambling) the why of personalizing the blog's name or why having a personal blog matters.

@AudreyWatters opens:
I published my latest book The Revenge of the Monsters of Education Technology. A print version is coming soon (as well as audio-books for it and The Monsters of Education  

Friday, November 6, 2015

goodbye work hello life

This blog has been a catch-all for online course posts, blogging challenges and other online writing projects. Figuratively speaking, Work and Life, its name reflecting its origin as back-up for a job I never got paid for doing, is an adjunct among blogs, a red-headed stepchild.

Then there are all the other social media. What a mess. First things first = start with blogging. This particular blog should be a personal blog and renamed to make it personal. I will do that. Maybe I even had that in mind when I created the blog. #DigiWriMo seems a good time to address all this, not that this post is an #altCV. Mine would be far weirder. Could this be preliminary notes toward one?