
…about the blog

In its current iteration, reflections is more about my life in Yuma, Colorado, at High Plains Manor, and where I host intermittent posts for blogging challenge and very occasional online courses. That is subject to change. Tentatively, I'm working toward developing it as a personal reflection space -- also subject to change or termination.

Over the time, the blog has been had different names and purposes ~ work and life (ironic since I am retired and chafe against the convention of being defined by occupation), an eponymous Vanessa Crary Vaile (intended as transparency but sounded too egoist, especially attached to every post share). 

…about me

Guerrilla Educationist & Informationist, blogger, independent researcher, digital activist, unabashed SJW, lifelong learner and curator of myself. In the hopefully temporary (but wouldn't bet on it) absence of a portal/landing page, my Google+ profile and About.me/VCVaile pages (both also in dire need of updates) will have to suffice.

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