Sunday, April 20, 2014

#rhizo14 Group Links (weekly)

  • It remains for teachers to figure out how to leverage the opportunities of the internet for their learner's advantage. It is not enough to rely on the internet to "do it for you". The internet is still not a teaching machine. Best practice (Jim's version): teach content creation, collaboration, and reasonable dialogue - globally if possible.

    Tags: education, internet, edtech

    • First, is the potential of the Internet to offer individual learners increased freedom from the physical limitations of the real world.
    • Secondly, the Internet is seen to support a new culture of learning—i.e., learning that is based around bottom-up principles of collective exploration, play, and innovation rather than top-down individualized instruction
    • Thirdly, the capacity of the Internet to support a mass connectivity between people and information is felt to have radically altered the relationship between individuals and knowledge.
    • Fourthly, the Internet is seen to have dramatically personalized the ways in which people learn—thereby making education a far more individually determined process than was previously the case.
    • self-directed, non-institutional learning are initiatives such as the hole-in-the-wall and School in the Cloud
    • the most successful forms of Internet-based education and e-learning being those that reflect and even replicate pre-Internet forms of education such as classrooms, lectures, and books.
    • elping already engaged individuals to participate further, but doing little to widen participation or reengage those who are previously disengaged

Posted from Diigo. The rest of Rhizome14 group favorite links are here.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

#rhizo14 Group Links (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of Rhizome14 group favorite links are here.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

#rhizo14 Group Weekly Links (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of Rhizome14 group favorite links are here.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

from the Diigo #rhizo14 group (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of Rhizome14 group favorite links are here.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Diigo does #rhizo14 Week 6

…end game…the game is up, planned obsolescence—or is it? More links than last week. I made the graphic with Recite (item #1)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Diigo does #rhizo14, Week 5

community as curriculum but perhaps also the sign a of rhizmome winding down: of the links bookmarked five are by Chris, one by Mattias, none by me (who has been turning them into my weekly blog post, carrying cheating all the way through to the end). Jaap, who started the group clocked out early. The week's post is still worth it for the bloomin' version of a Bloom's pyramid, from data to wisdom, then doubling down with double Stephen Downes (who is very present in Rhizo14 without even being there) and Bonnie Stewart's blog post, "do you know networks? on leaving the Garden of Eden," as shared by Chris. 

Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom -

Saturday, February 8, 2014

books&other—Diigo does #rhizo14, Wk4

 …w/ nod to #evomlit, #FutureEd—now #POTcert as well, not just because I am in them but for seeing them as related, entangled with Rhizomatic Learning, part of the community, along with once and future others. I'm still behind, albeit less here than in the others. Bookmark links though are catching up (note irony of bookmarks about "is books making us stupid" theme). There are links on books, words, writing, tyranny of received print cultureand so on, as well as still a few uncertainty links. Like I mentioned in last week's fake post: so what, rhizomes aren't linear. 

This venue feels like an alternative space, a basement dive or Jazz Keller that only a few habitues know how to find. Frequently, the Fb (so much larger and more active) group's thread return to 'what about lurkers' (elearning's version of Freud on women). Someone commented that 'doing nothing is doings something' (not unlike classic anarchist saying about voting). That is encouraging... makes me feel so much more productive well as wondering about the need to feel productive. Somehow it calls to mind John Keats' letter 'On Negative Capability' (analogous to embracing uncertainty?) and the call to productivity as an 'irritable reaching after fact and reason.' How would that go to curriculum? Can scholars of the books and singers of the word read one another-- speak with one another, be part of the same community?
  • Oral Tradition Founded in 1986, the Center for Studies in Oral Tradition stands as a national and international focus for interdisciplinary research and scholarship on the world’s oral traditions. Our long-term mission is to facilitate communication across disciplinary boundaries by creating linkages among specialists in different fields. Through our various activities we try to foster conversations and exchanges about oral tradition that would not otherwise take place. 
Tags: rhizo14, oral tradition, Week4, books, print culture, rhizome, CSOT CSOT publications include the journal Oral Tradition (, 1986-) and three series of books: the Albert Bates Lord Studies in Oral Tradition (1987-96; 17 volumes); Voices in Performance and Text (1995-97; 3 volumes); and, Poetics of Orality and Literacy (2 volumes to date; 2004-). CSOT projects include: ISSOT, International Society for Studies in Oral Tradition,, and The Pathways Project,

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Diigo does #rhizo14, Issue 3

…PS nods to #EVOmlit dba #MultiMOOC14 too…now that I've tagged all the usual suspects—rounding them up is so BW 40's cinema—onto writing the belated introductor note qua commentary and tweaking page layout before the week 4 is over and those links hit auto-blog. 
Rhizomatic Learning network map — Nomad War Machine blog

Week 3's espiritu mundi koan was "embracing uncertainty." The past tense seems inappropriate: we still embrace... A number of links posted last week are still about Week 2, enforcing independence. 

As for Week 1, the spirit possesses me yet, as I cheerfully continue to declare this mode of weekly posting as cheating—while testing Diigo's autoblog with an eye to more cheating on other blogs, notably precarious faculty and Poets and Writers Picnic. With enough of a bookmarking habit, I could extend it to others.

Retrofit editing encourages review and, with it non-linear, stream of consciousness reflection mixing up the weeks. Rhizomes aren't linear anyway. Waiting (procrastinating, postponing), my thoughts return to enforcing independence -- connecting it teaching riding and swimming, more recently to enabling in general -- mostly tech explanations and information retrieval. 
  • the real headless mooc
    • What have you changed you mind about recently and why?
    • the greater the tension, the greater is the potential. Great energy springs from a correspondingly great tension of opposites
    • DS106 subscribes to what Cormier calls ‘community as curriculum’
    • depending on one’s pedagogical position, one can argue about feasibility and validity of knowledge created within a community
    • Yes, it takes a particular kind of learner to engage with the mythology of DS106 and understand that the learning is in the engagement.
    • The psychology of creativity involves a great deal and as the new self appointed DS106 Headless Shrink I hope to bring some of that capability into the collective.
    • Some see this interactional pattern and have accused DS106 of being cult. I
    • [but] the vast majority of the rest of them will just keep blindly following one super professor messiah after another, thinking that they’re learning something important about life when in fact what they’re really doing is helping the enemies of higher education keep more people from ever becoming enlightened at all.
  • There’s so much of this fast-growing vine in the Southeastern U.S., you might think it was a native plant. Actually, it took a lot of hard work to help kudzu spread so widely. Now that it covers over seven million acres of the deep South, there are a lot of people working hard to get rid of it! But kudzu is used in ways which might surprise you…plus Kudzu’s history
    • I’m finding it impossible to escape the thread of ‘ego’ running through the last ten days.  
    • Independent learning is tough.  Independent thinking even tougher.
    • I’ve thought about Tragic Life Stories (actually the name of a department in WH Smith) and the way in which they dominate not only TV and popular news media, but stories about adult learning too.
    •  I want a dialogue that begins, “I can’t do this thing you asked me to do, in this timeframe,” and continues with, “What are you assuming, that is stopping you meeting the deadline?” – designed to search only for a strategy to get past whatever barrier has set itself in the way.
    • Bernard Williams ‘fetish of assertion’
    • So, released from time to time from the imperative to obey my ego, I walk happily into the swarm.
  • 2005 article on Nomads
    • Learning to be implies the application of knowledge in the development of skills that allows us to fulfill a particular (professional or non-professional) role in society. But to highlight the fact that being is not static, I’m using learning as becoming to signify an ongoing process. Learning, as constant becoming, is the work of nomads, to use another Deleuzian image explained below by Semetsky (2004):
Posted from Diigo. The rest of Rhizome14 group favorite links are here.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Week2: #rhizo14 Diigo group

…from the Nomad War Machine
…Jan26 weekly post, courtesy of Diigo's ever so useful auto-blogging feature. Otherwise, weekly course blogging would suffer mightily. I almost managed one yesterday. When flash crashed the browser mid-post, I took it as an omen and desisted. Today, I was going to embed and introduce the Week 2 Enforcing Independence YouTube clip with the comment about this being oxymoron week but realized that has been every week so far...both of them.

no, not declaring yet—still orienting
As I mentioned last week, I've been thinking of other ways and places to use the feature. Although the intro/commentary + something visual is a good basic model, I'm still experimenting before taking it on the road with another blog. What then, I wonder, would be the odds of getting Joe Berry to use it for COCAL Updates...slim to none I suspect. That's being too optimistic. Is this a digression from the rhizomatic path? Indeed, but what could be more rhizomatic than that? The path is never straight or narrow. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

from the Diigo #rhizo14 group (weekly)

…first try with Diigo auto-blogging feature works nicely, even if format aesthetics leave something to be desired. No pictures but I can "fix" that by remembering -- or trying -- to post a few images during the week and, especially, one Saturday evening. There are also a lot of links and annotations, making for a long post. What I need to do then is come on Sunday morning -- like now -- to add a head note, image, page break, whatever...

course image
By way of quick recap, this is Week 1 of Dave Cormier's Rhizomatic Learning ("the community is the curriculum") on P2PU. Our mission for this week has been to declare, connect and get acquainted, with a special assignment, cheating to learn. "Headquartered" (pomo irony intended) -- extreme oxymoron alert) on Dave's Educational Blog ("education, post-structuralism and the rise of the machines") and the P2PU course page linked above, Rhizo L has outposts (colonies? independent affinities?) on G+, Facebook, multiple blogs (like this one among many others) and throughout the twittisphere at the #rhizo14 tag. A rhizomatic network indeed!  

PS the next mission (this week's, starting today) is to mobilize our twitter-connecting and review Week 1. And now...onto the abundance of links, annotated pages (some at least), tags, discussion (in the Diigo group)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

a new look for work & life

…I took down the barbed wire and changed the graphic to reflect re-purposing, not that W&L was ever 'purposed' in the first place. The barbed wire didn't background bother me but did raised the occasional reader cringe outside southwest rancher country. Besides, it hardly fit Rhizomatic Learning (essence of free range, don't-fence-me-in openness), MultiMOOC or anything EVO

So first comes the re-purposing, then the redecorating, introduction (of sorts), and the declaring. That post is underway....busy spreading roots... popping around to the FB groups and G+ Communities, populating my feed reader with #rhizo blogs, noting and greeting familiar faces. and the more visual/Vizify vcv bio should cover that while I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing here anyway...let alone wtf was I thinking? signing up for a clutch of x's

Sunday, January 5, 2014

#Learning: Work or Life?

…This blog needs a job, so I assigned (drafted) it to be my #POTcert blog. It fits blog title and mission: teaching and learning have been such a significant part of my life that I can't let of them even in retirement. Learning, like digital ankle biting, makes a fine retirement obsession. Better than tatting or quilting. Besides, who knows, I just might do some good with both.

POT = Program for Online Teaching; whereas, "cert" is for the certificate I am not interested in. The course cover tools and pedagogy of teaching online. I expect discussions and links garnered from G+ to further illuminate course reflections.

After two years following, I missed the 2103 fall semester due to access and connectivity problems. Now I have high speed (cringing at the prospect of installation and winter heating bills decimating my SS pittance) and am looking forward to catching up with the edtech I could not always access let alone run. Both courses will be sources of help with glitches and answers to questions.Overall, the EVO (Electronic Village Online) workshops tend to a more congenial atmosphere because they are less workshops or courses that part of a Community of Practice.