Friday, March 31, 2017

last slice #sol17 31/31

…just a selfie with a six word memoir...

Save the last slice for me

2017 is the tenth year of the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC) hosted by Two Writing Teachers (TWT). Challenge participants, aka "slicers," write and post a "slice of life" every day during March. 

Now go read more last slices...

...and finally, I come to the end of a

31 day writing streak

may it lead to many more...

Thursday, March 30, 2017

penultimate slice, #sol17 30/31

…not time yet for last slice wordplay (save the last slice for me, etc) and "penultimate slice" doesn't have quite the same ring. I'm moving into what next mode. Re-animating too many blogs + companion social media is a dead cert to crash before the home stretch. If I secretly want to shoot myself in the foot, that would be the way to go...

adjuncts, staff and campus workers holding up the university
precarious faculty's Adjunct News page. Artwork by © Jennelle Brenner, Boise Weekly

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

endgame conversations…#sol17 Day 29/31

Image result for guerrilla gardeningbut first another confession. At the start of the month, I confessed to being a dilatory slicer and not having completed a March challenge. With completion just around the corner, I confess that I'm not a K12 educator, although I have decades of teaching (swimming, riding, GED, ESL, college composition, literature and Spanish) under my belt. Now retired, I read, research and blog about education (among other topics), and, recently have taken to describing myself as a "guerrilla educator." The edu-equivalent of guerrilla gardening...

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

#sol17 Day 28/31

@MelanieMeehan1's #twtblog welcome note 
"Welcome to Day 28. I’m actually starting to have the withdrawal pangs that have set in for the last several Aprils. Anyone else?"
Yup, that explains a lot. I have a surfeit of what to write about but am not. Instead I wonder if a month of daily posts will bring me back to the precarious faculty blog, miscellaneous arts (formerly Mountainair Arts) or this one ready (able, willing) to blog on without the scaffolding of a challenge.

What do I take with me? That the conversations are as important as the content. Reading, commenting and responding are part of the process. I already knew that but needed reminding. Besides getting back with Tuesdays, I'm going to comment on more blogs, have more conversations in my different (so very different) areas of interest.

More about those areas tomorrow...maybe

2017 is the tenth year aka #sol17 of the Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC) hosted by Two Writing Teachers (TWT). Slicers write and post a "slice of life" before the 11:59 ET deadline every day during the long month of March. The rest of the year, "slicers" write and post Tuesday slices. In between (and during) challenges, TWT features regular articles on writing and teaching.

During the month of March, a TWT slice icon tops my blog sidebar and usually another, but sometimes unofficial ones here -- 

Now read more Monday day 28 slices from the 10th Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge

Monday, March 27, 2017

blogging after #sol17 Day 27/31

another late night slice. As usual, I had some notion earlier on what to write about but no longer remember what that was. Also as all too usual, I'm not quite sure where the day went. Maybe my lost topic is in there somewhere...I'll take a look. If an idea for suitable image comes to me along the way, I'll look for that too.

Two in particular come to mind: whither blogging after #sol17 and navigating chaos

Sunday, March 26, 2017

#SilentSunday: storm over the Colorado High Plains #sol17

…just so you understand, this is #SilentSunday my way…found pictures not ones I have taken. The only camera I have is the webcam on my laptop. But this sky I have seen.

LP supercell over the high plains of northeast Colorado. Stormdude Photo © Dave Chapman

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Applauding New Slicers #sol17 Day 25/26

A lemon slices jigsaw puzzle for New Slicers, other slicers and anyone who drops by. My bad for not embedding -- that's late night slicing for you. There is no special occasion unless March 25 has special significance other than home stretch for slicers -- pantsers and planners, early morning and late night slicers alike. New Slicers aren't new anymore and belong to one or more of those categories.

online jigsaw puzzle, click link in caption to open and play puzzle
Lemon Slices Puzzle | JigZone
Call this a thank-you to my own group of New Slicers for making the #sol17 Challenge special -- or just an un-birthday present for all. Virtual champagne was an option (maybe on the last day) but a slices puzzles seems more appropriate.

Friday, March 24, 2017

on my porch at the #Manor with La Catrina #sol17 Day 24/31

Image may contain: house and outdoor
Most Manor apartments share front porch space. This past Christmas, my next door neighbor Ken and I decorated our respective areas. My green Halloween lights were still up. Ken went with red lights and wrapped the posts. I added Christmas decorations and lights to a tumbleweed. The barely visible garden gnome is a zombie.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

#YumaCO meeings…#sol17 Day 23/31

@ColoradoTrust Community Partnership meeting 6-9 pm tonight means the second early slice in a row because I can't be sure of being back in time to write and post. The formula is: evening meeting earlier than usual daily post rather than none..  

PS (aside to readers new to the SoL series) "slicing" = writing slice of life blog post for SOLSC, a blogging challenge...more below.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A trip to Sterling Colorado #sol17 Day 22/31

For an appointment about drawing up a medical power of attorney and living will. No special reason other than catching up with standard stuff rather expected when you hit mid-70s.

Related image

The lawyer's office is near the Downtown Sterling Historic District. Founded in 1881, Sterling's legacy is as a major agricultural center and key railroad junction

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

the day that was #sol17 21/31

Maybe a title will come to me as I go along. For today's topic, I'm going with "what I did today" more or less in list mode. Here goes, more or less straight from 750Words rambling because,

Image result for If I waited for perfection, I would never write another word

Monday, March 20, 2017

a #blogging inventory of sorts #sol17 20/31

Image result for blogging

blogging since 2006 on multiple blogs, I'd been worrying about a long blogging dry spell. That is one of the reasons why I'm slicing this month -- not the only reason but one that matters to me. A recent #sol17 slice that commemorated reaching the 500 post mark moved me to inventory my own blogging history. Most blogs have a three year life span: there are more inactive blogs out there in the blogosphere than active ones.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

SOLSC bloggers do St Patrick's Day: #sol17 Day 19

Mosaic mural, Setanta or Tain Wall, by Desmond Kinney, Dublin IE

This collection of St Patrick's Day blog posts started with Katie's post on The Logonauts, a name James Joyce could have come up with and most certainly would have approved of. My comment went over the top on digression, barely mentioning St Patrick.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Back online for #sol17 Day 18

except I haven't turned my hand/s to writing here. Between eye breaks and eye drops (four scrip, three times a day for each), I've been catching up elsewhere ~ Twitter. Life in the Manor and a few other Facebook pages, some emails, neverending curation. A digital media mess. A digital inventory is in order at some point.

Related image

Friday, March 17, 2017

#sol17 Day 17: Internet Forbidden

I will stay off the internet and not use my laptop today

Back from surgery but banned from reading and the internet for the day. This is a compromise. Back to compliance. More tomorrow, until then:

Thursday, March 16, 2017

#eyes again #sol17 Day 16

Tomorrow is the day. Cataract be gone. Another eye exam and dilation this afternoon. More eye drops. 

For the occasion, I offer “Eyes Like Stars” radiology art inspired, of course, by Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Rochester radiology resident Katia Kaplan-List transforms MR and CT images of eye globes into stars and the moon, slices of brain MR images into the hills in the foreground. More about radiology art and Re-imagined medical jmages here.

Good eye on the clock, I write, two finger typing, while having a phone conversation about books, coffee, andouille, vision, adaptive technology, pattern recognition and processing, and more.

Yet another day for this Late Night Slicer embracing her inner owl to be more Pantser than Planner 

Welcome to the SoL writing Community and Day 16 of the March 2017 Slice of Life blogging challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers. Slicers write all through March, a post a day, every day of the month. As important as writing blog posts, we read and comment on each others' posts -- share them too. The rest of the year, Tuesdays are for slicing. Follow the #sol17 tag on Twitter

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Beware the Ides of March: take the day off #sol17 Day 15

As promised, I took the day off of from walking -- and most everything else, including my daily to-do priorities because keeping them on a day off would be such an oxymoron. Yes, a day off on Wednesday. Aging does have a few perks.

I tossed most of the usual suspects but kept a few: this blog post, my daily 750Words, minimal social media, maybe some email, SOLSC comments (somewhat behind with new slicers) and replies (woefully behind on those) -- no time yet for the last two until I post this. ICYMI I am also embracing my inner owl.

Image result for Ides of March

Beware the Ides of March but keep slicing your way through March with the Two Writing Teachers and SOLSC slicers

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

more walking #sol17 Day 14

Walking has dominated my recent slices. That's natural since Some walk for health and fitness, others for causes. I walk to get places. Walking as transportation is increasingly less common. Walking -- without the distraction of a smart phone -- is also good for thinking and taking in your surroundings. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Confessions of a late night slicer #sol17 Day 13

Mostly because I like the post title and the badge.

Next week should be easier slicing. Vision in flawed eyes that tire easy does not improve as the night wears on. Moving to Newfoundland for the time zone advantage is not an option.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Another Yuma walk #sol17 Day 10

I walk for exercise, to improve breathing, hold the line on bone density and stay healthier while exploring Yuma, but also because that's how I get around town. With minimal gradient and 2,000+ feet lower altitude, walking conditions are far more favorable here than in Mountainair. This morning, the ophthalmology tech called to schedule my pre-op optical scan for this afternoon instead of Friday. So I walked over. It was chillier than yesterday but somewhat less windy. I carried my folding camp stool (remember those from Scouts and camp?) so I could sit down to catch my breath as necessary.

Today's walk-with-a-purpose took me to Main St and what passes for "downtown business district," the opposite direction from yesterday's to the hospital on 8th Avenue. Out my front door, through a breezeway to the right and turning right again on 2nd avenue

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Oops: #sol17 Day 9

How fast can I throw a post together, add links and a few images, and publish before either crashing or overshooting the deadline?

I just returned from a evening community meeting/training session by The Colorado Trust for the Yuma Community Partnership Team that I thought was tomorrow

This afternoon I walked a mile in a high wind to the Yuma District Hospital for an afternoon doctor's appointment (pre-op exam for next week's cataract surgery)... and back. Tuckered out, I figured to write a brief remembrance about mentors and make it an early night. Brainstormed, did some research, made notes. Then my son-in-law come to the door. He was going to the meeting too and had come to pick me up. Oops. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The eyes have it: #IWD2017 on #sol17 Day 8

…#daywithoutawoman was my first slice choice. With no job to walk off and no local marches, I would adapt, make my own version. Doing the digital (social media signal boosting and blogging), wearing red, not buying anything, with exceptions for small, women- and minority-owned businesses. So far, so good, but there's a notable caveat. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

#sol17 Day 7: murals and sites of memory

8:30 pm and I'm still not sure what to slice about. Not that I don't have ideas, too many maybe, and picking up more with every post I read.

Margaret's SOL #7 Slice of a Mural at Reflections on the Teche not only took me back to New Iberia, Louisiana, where I lived for about five years in the 70s but gave me the idea of using murals to connect places along the way , in this case the three places before Yuma.

Mountainair NM train mural, Across the New Mexico Outback by David McLane:
Wray Simmon's Mountainair NM train mural (2006), photo by David McLane

I moved here from Mountainair NM and there from Davis CA, both sites of abundant public art and murals: respectively, MMAC Community Art Program (preceded by Art Alley 1999) and Davis' Transmedia Artwalk.

Monday, March 6, 2017

#sol17 Day 6: Monday, what am I doing today?

I made my absent minded old lady, anti-procrastination list and have been working through it but still have no sense of Monday-ness or what I'm doing today. Or maybe I have a case of "mondayness", which the Urban Dictionary defines as "when everything seems to be going wrong, like on a Monday!"

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Saturday, March 4, 2017

on procrastination & the blogger #sol17 Day 4

After posting all three slices so far at 11:58 pm EST on their respective days, procrastination has been on my mind. I'm probably not alone. I may not make it through the month writing and posting at the last minute. So I'm working on that while trying to understand the underlying why.

Progress: although I could should/ maybe could have posted earlier, I just knocked half an hour off my usual time. That's a start. 


Friday, March 3, 2017

A very short #sol17 Day 3 post

Image result for yuma colorado

out most of the day, returned home to a Life in the #Manor media request of sorts. A tale (or future post) about the dynamics of life in small, relatively closed communities lies therein...later, not now. Today the post is pictures of Yuma (above) and Wray (below). Besides, I'm taking my own advice of short posts as better than none.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

on rolling out the #sol17 Welcome Wagon w/o falling off

This year I signed up for the SOLSC Welcome Wagon. By now Two Writing Teachers has assigned me seven first time slicers. There may be a few more by the March 5 deadline.

All are teachers (sounds obvious is not a SOLSC requirement) and have been writing blog posts or professional papers. Below, I'll lay out my qualifications -- or lack thereof. Upfront, I confess to signing up on a lark and to help me not fall off the blogging wagon. After several days of getting acquainted, reading and responding to posts, I know now that "wagoneering" will what most enriches this year's slicing.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

the view from here: slicing plan for #sol17

photos representing remembered slices of lifewherever (or whatever) "here" is. I already blogged my intent to slice my way through the month of March. Today I've been reading and responding to posts. Exhilarating. The immersion was to settle in after an extended absence from slicing and blogging in general.

I should have a plan, thought I did. Now, other than writing and diving into as many other blogs as possible, I don't and no idea where I'm heading. Also exhilarating.