Tuesday, April 11, 2017

A drifting day, Tuesday #sol17

I will finally be getting a cell phone and taking pics around the Manor and on Yuma walkabouts -- connected but not so tethered to the internet that I miss surroundings. In the meantime, 4-H season is upon us and youth across Yuma are starting their projects. Here's a picture of my grandsons' 2017 4-H pigs arriving.

Last year I started a Pig Brothers Brown pigboard (a digital pigzibit) for them (and me too). Although my taste in pig pics runs more to the quirky, as shown by the picture below, I promise a pigboard as comprehensive as it is eclectic.

Tram in Basel   Ok so wherever this Basel place is, I wanna go.:
Pig tram in Basel, Switzerland
Although not intentionally themed, the selection featured here could be titled, "Traveling Pigs" or "Pigs on the Go." While the boys are fitting out pigs and getting ready for the Yuma County Fair, I'll be rounding up pig pics on the cyberrange.

Despite the 2nd Tuesday Potluck at the Manor, today feels more like a drifting day between other more clearly demarcated days -- doctor's appointment yesterday to review recent routine blood work, boyz coming over tomorrow after school, Future Trends Forum (tech and ed, FTTE) and the Yuma Community Partnership team meeting Thursday. That's quite a mix.

Breathing is still problematic -- COPD is less serious than I thought but tests indicate restrictive breathing problems...breathing out and breathing in. Manor dynamics/intrigues, FTTE and Community Partnership deserve posts -- or post series -- of their own. There will be more pigs too.

My current blogging goal is to post. Just post. Period. That works for this anything goes blog (see pig pic) but less well for Miscellaneous Arts or (especially) Precarious Faculty, which are more targeted for audience and topics. I didn't blog Sunday or Monday but did change the sidebar featured post from the archives and left a pair of stalled starts in Precarious Faculty drafts. Both are about a new mission statement for the blog header that I need to update because the purpose is changing. Keeping it bumper sticker short, and snappy is the challenge. Mission statement post on hold, I came up with, "confronting precarity in all its social, labor and economic manifestations," to tide the network over.

I don't have one here because, well, a) I never got around to it, and b) besides, do I really need one?


  1. Vanessa,
    I like your anything goes blog. Good job just posting! And good luck with the Precarious Faculty and Miscellaneous Arts blogs too. Take care of yourself while you keep breathing and posting!


    1. Thank you Denise -- I expect the "anything goes" editorial policy will go a long ways toward keeping me happy, sane, looking forward to and not burning out on blogging. I intend to tweak policies accordingly on the other two as well.
