Tuesday, June 27, 2017

#SoL17 at home, inside & out

~ coping with a cranky keyboard and erratic compose screen, I was off to an even later start blogging than usual due a longer than expected phone call.

I walked just once around the perimeter ~ a short one, minus iPhone in case of rain. So I used the time to think about today's blog post. What did I defer from last one? Guerrilla educationist and digital citizenship. Too bad the computer did not cooperate.

What pictures would fit? Above, my "home office" ~ laptop on a small tray table, small sofa next to a window (the chair is for Chaircat Mao), oil painting by Megan Lemcke. Below, the marble Manor marker + decorative foliage on the corner of Elm and 3rd Avenue.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

On staying cool #sol17

…I missed blogging last week but commented on half a dozen posts. This morning, beginning at the end, I set up and revised my footer. Taking my morning walk late for a day turning hot, I walked close to a mile, caught a few pictures and made it back before overheating.

Cedar Ave, Yuma CO: backyard as folk art installation complete w/pick-up tree house
Cedar Ave, Yuma CO: backyard as folk art
installation complete w/pick-up tree house

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

a #sol17 walk around the #Manor

out my front door, past Doña Catrina and tumbleweeds, down to the Manor office on 3rd Ave, around the corner, past front porch flowers to 2nd Ave and back home again to cat waiting in window near the back door.