…too cute but I'm going with it anyway. Changing the blog header image for something less green, I renamed the blog (reflections) as well and added a brief description, "…
on life at home, in my head, and online."
View from my backdoor yesterday, January 22, 2017 |
Naming the blog "Vanessa Crary Vaile" seemed like a good idea at the time -- signaling personal identity and transparency --but grated on me over time. It did not display well on social media shares either and made me feel as though I were wearing an over sized name tag or even a placard hung around my neck. I still like the idea behind that naming -- even more when discreetly downsized to a note on the sidebar.
This morning I'm reflecting on blog keeping (not the same as blogging), winter in at the Manor, being a guerrilla educationist, retirement, health, weather, snow, aging, life in senior public housing, rural development, and local community involvement. All fit somewhere in home, head or online. Depending on what emerges in ramblings (aka free writing as rough draft), I'll narrow it down for the final draft. I already started with home. Let's see where that takes me...Manor, weather, snow.
Needless to say not walking as much although at least taking short walks unless weather and other breathing considerations keep me in. This time of year I take more pictures closer to home.
This morning from my front porch,
Posts tagged #sol18 are part of the #sol blogging challenges hosted by Two Writing Teachers, which include this one, a weekly invitation to share a snapshot of life through writing. Read today's Tuesday blog posts here.