…This blog needs a job, so I assigned (drafted) it to be my
#POTcert blog. It fits blog title and mission: teaching and learning have been such a significant part of my life that I can't let of them even in retirement. Learning, like digital ankle biting, makes a fine retirement obsession. Better than tatting or quilting. Besides, who knows, I just might do some good with both.
POT = Program for Online Teaching; whereas, "cert" is for the certificate I am not interested in. The course cover tools and pedagogy of teaching online. I expect discussions and links garnered from G+ to further illuminate course reflections.
After two years following, I missed the 2103 fall semester due to access and connectivity problems. Now I have high speed (cringing at the prospect of installation and winter heating bills decimating my SS pittance) and am looking forward to catching up with the edtech I could not always access let alone run. Both courses will be sources of help with glitches and answers to questions.Overall, the
EVO (Electronic Village Online) workshops tend to a more congenial atmosphere because they are less workshops or courses that part of a
Community of Practice.