Sunday, April 27, 2014
Sunday, April 20, 2014
#rhizo14 Group Links (weekly)
The Internet and Education - OpenMind - by Neil Selwyn
It remains for teachers to figure out how to leverage the opportunities of the internet for their learner's advantage. It is not enough to rely on the internet to "do it for you". The internet is still not a teaching machine. Best practice (Jim's version): teach content creation, collaboration, and reasonable dialogue - globally if possible.
Tags: education, internet, edtech
- - By wayupnorth
- First, is the potential of the Internet to offer individual learners increased freedom from the physical limitations of the real world.
- Secondly, the Internet is seen to support a new culture of learning—i.e., learning that is based around bottom-up principles of collective exploration, play, and innovation rather than top-down individualized instruction
- Thirdly, the capacity of the Internet to support a mass connectivity between people and information is felt to have radically altered the relationship between individuals and knowledge.
- Fourthly, the Internet is seen to have dramatically personalized the ways in which people learn—thereby making education a far more individually determined process than was previously the case.
- self-directed, non-institutional learning are initiatives such as the hole-in-the-wall and School in the Cloud
- - By wayupnorth
- the most successful forms of Internet-based education and e-learning being those that reflect and even replicate pre-Internet forms of education such as classrooms, lectures, and books.
- - By wayupnorth
- elping already engaged individuals to participate further, but doing little to widen participation or reengage those who are previously disengaged
Posted from Diigo. The rest of Rhizome14 group favorite links are here.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
#rhizo14 Group Links (weekly)
"The Rhizomik initiative is inspired by the rhizome metaphor when working with knowledge from a scientific, technological but also philosophical point of view.This metaphor has accompanied us in our research about knowledge in many different fields, fundamentally Semantic Web, Human-Computer Interaction, Web Science, Complex Systems and Cognitive Science."
Tags: #rhizo14, Semantic Web, rhizome
- - By Vanessa Vaile
- - By Vanessa Vaile
Postscript on the Societies of Control
Tags: pdf, #rhizo14, Deleuze, rhizome, theory, control, Foucault
900 Years of Tree Diagrams, the Most Important Data Viz Tool in History | Design | WIRED
HT @darrenmjones
Tags: diagrams, tree, data, history, visualization, #rhizo14, #GetSmarter
- - By Vanessa Vaile
Keith's Google Plus page for Rhizo14
- - By Cris Crissman
Tags: scaffolding, rhizo14, identity
- - By Scott Johnson
Posted from Diigo. The rest of Rhizome14 group favorite links are here.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
#rhizo14 Group Weekly Links (weekly)
Tags: #GetSmarter, teaching, math, forum, education, learning
Smoothness and Striation in Digital Learning Spaces
Smoothness and Striation in Digital Learning Spaces by SIÂN BAYNE
- - By Vanessa Vaile
- - By Vanessa Vaile
Dimensions to SDL in an Open Networked Environment
Kop & Fournier 2010 paper on Self Directed Learning: AbstractNew technologies have changed the educational landscape. It is now possible for self-directed learners to participate informally in learning events on open online networks, such as in Massive Open Online Courses. Our research analyzed the agency and levelof autonomy required by learners participating in a course of this nature.Using Bouchard's four dimensional model of learner control, we found that there are new dimensions to self-directed learning in connectivist learning environments. The research also brought to light new challenges and opportunities for self directed learners who might not be able to call on trusted educators for support in their learning endeavors, but rely on the aggregation of information and informal communication and collaboration available through social media to advance their learning
Tags: pdf, SDL, elearning, connectivism, open, network, MOOCs
- - By Vanessa Vaile
- - By Vanessa Vaile
The Grateful Dead School of Business - 99U
What can the Grateful Dead teach adjuncts about organizing and community building? How is the Grateful Dead community like a rhizome?
Tags: PFR, organizing, community, network, #rhizo14
- - By Vanessa Vaile
- - By Vanessa Vaile
Posted from Diigo. The rest of Rhizome14 group favorite links are here.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
from the Diigo #rhizo14 group (weekly)
Tags: rhizo14, theory, learning, student-centered
- - By Scott Johnson
Toward Reflective Conversations: An Advising Approach that Promotes Self-Authorship
Tags: rhizo14, learning, reflection
- - By Scott Johnson
- - By carol yeager
Tags: rhizo14, research, social, media
- - By Scott Johnson
Posted from Diigo. The rest of Rhizome14 group favorite links are here.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
from the Diigo #rhizo14 group (weekly)
A new view on lurkers | Harold Jarche
For several years, there has been a rule-of-thumb, called “90-9-1″, that 90% of online participation in groups/communities consists of “lurkers” or more politely, “passive participants”, and only 1% are active creators. Jacob Nielsen’s 2006 post on Participation Inequality provides a good overview of this phenomenon. A recent BBC survey of 7,500 people shows significantly different results. Here we see that passive lurkers make up only 23% of participants; active (intense) participants have increased to 17%; and there is now an “Easy” group in the middle who, “ … respond largely to the activity of others. This includes replying, ‘liking’ and rating, all activities where there’s little effort, exposure or risk.”
Tags: rhizo14, rhizomatic learning, lurkers, participation
- - By Vanessa Vaile
An Affinity for Asynchronous Learning - Hybrid Pedagogy
- the possibilities afforded by the new medium
- - By wayupnorth
- enormous potential when it works well
- - By wayupnorth
Wanna do a cMOOC? | doublemirror
- Matthias Melcher – he made it so easy to follow everyone’s blogs
- - By wayupnorth
- power is not due to the technology or its design, but to the actual people involved
- - By wayupnorth
- So, when I did DS106 as a course for the first time in 2013, life was already set up in such a way that I could give it my full attention.
- - By wayupnorth
- So, what was Rhizo14 setting out to create? A one of what? Stephen uses his own courses as an example
- - By wayupnorth
- If my need for inclusion had been high, then I think I would have felt excluded from what some called Rhizo14FB.
- - By wayupnorth
- They did what humans do so well in new situations: gather in their tribes and by definition exclude those not in their tribe, or try to ‘convince’ those outside ‘it’ to join it;
- batting the ideas back and forth in order to win the game.
- The design of Rhizo14, I have to assume, is the current state of what Dave as an educational technologist believes works for massive open online courses.
- - By wayupnorth
- diversity was managed out through a group dynamic that excluded what the majority did not approve
- I did not see much by way of supporting the importance of diversity in action rather than theory.
- people left and may have been silenced by a vocal minority
- gossiping about other participants
- but Rhizo14 as an experiment on the future of higher education as a whole is not what the originators intend
- - By wayupnorth
- - By mdvfunes
Tags: scaffolding, explanation, communication, rhizo14
- - By Scott Johnson
The Medium Is The Meaning We Consume and Create ... Together | Wirearchy
"Subsequently, the presence of electronic media for creating, distributing and communicating information, knowledge and meaning has grown more widely and more dramatically than perhaps even he could have foreseen. Within this context, I want to try to stitch together a few concepts, perspectives and examples with which I am more or less familiar and perhaps update the core implication of McLuhan’s famous phrase."
Tags: rhizo14, rhizomatic learning, McLuhan, community as curriculum, meaning
- - By Vanessa Vaile
A Guide to the Building Blocks of Online Learning for Faculty
Tags: rhizo14, online, learning
- - By Scott Johnson
Posted from Diigo. The rest of Rhizome14 group favorite links are here.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
from the Diigo #rhizo14 group (weekly)
THE RHIZOME AS A FIELD OF BROKEN BONES - poetry - Margaret Randall
Tags: rhizome, rhizo14, #rhizo14, poetry, Margaret Randall, NM-poet
Posted from Diigo. The rest of Rhizome14 group favorite links are here.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Diigo does #rhizo14 Week 6
Cool tool for "turning quotes into masterpieces.". @Mdvfunes recommends.
- - By Cris Crissman
"Digital Labor calls on the reader to examine the shifting sites of labor markets to the Internet through the lens of their political, technological, and historical making. Internet users currently create most of the content that makes up the web: they search, link, tweet, and post updates—leaving their “deep” data exposed. Meanwhile, governments listen in, and big corporations track, analyze, and predict users’ interests and habits. A collection of essays offering a wide-ranging account of the dark side of the Internet. "
- - By Vanessa Vaile
Week 4 response to question about community and curriculum. I introduce the course as gift community idea after Hyde's 1983 Gift Community.
- - By Cris Crissman
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Diigo does #rhizo14, Week 5
Interesting infographic. Note books in wisdom category. Some will argue, heh?
- - By Cris Crissman
Saturday, February 8, 2014
books&other—Diigo does #rhizo14, Wk4
This venue feels like an alternative space, a basement dive or Jazz Keller that only a few habitues know how to find. Frequently, the Fb (so much larger and more active) group's thread return to 'what about lurkers' (elearning's version of Freud on women). Someone commented that 'doing nothing is doings something' (not unlike classic anarchist saying about voting). That is encouraging... makes me feel so much more productive well as wondering about the need to feel productive. Somehow it calls to mind John Keats' letter 'On Negative Capability' (analogous to embracing uncertainty?) and the call to productivity as an 'irritable reaching after fact and reason.' How would that go to curriculum? Can scholars of the books and singers of the word read one another-- speak with one another, be part of the same community?
- Oral Tradition Founded in 1986, the Center for Studies in Oral Tradition stands as a national and international focus for interdisciplinary research and scholarship on the world’s oral traditions. Our long-term mission is to facilitate communication across disciplinary boundaries by creating linkages among specialists in different fields. Through our various activities we try to foster conversations and exchanges about oral tradition that would not otherwise take place.
Tags: rhizo14, oral tradition, Week4, books, print culture, rhizome, CSOT CSOT publications include the journal Oral Tradition (, 1986-) and three series of books: the Albert Bates Lord Studies in Oral Tradition (1987-96; 17 volumes); Voices in Performance and Text (1995-97; 3 volumes); and, Poetics of Orality and Literacy (2 volumes to date; 2004-). CSOT projects include: ISSOT, International Society for Studies in Oral Tradition,, and The Pathways Project,
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Diigo does #rhizo14, Issue 3
Rhizomatic Learning network map — Nomad War Machine blog |
Michael Wesch's NetVibes aggregation page: links, feeds, Padlet message wall, resources, etc for digital ethnography/webculture courses, Kansas State University. Wesch's network - aggregation page, personal and course blogs, YouTube channel, etc is (in my opinion) a rhizome ~ with the caveat that my own understanding of the term is continually shifting
- - By Vanessa Vaile
Embracing uncertainty takes courage. Shelley Wright is one of the most courageous teachers I know.
- - By Cris Crissman
the real headless mooc
- - By Jaap Bosman
- What have you changed you mind about recently and why?
- the greater the tension, the greater is the potential. Great energy springs from a correspondingly great tension of opposites
- DS106 subscribes to what Cormier calls ‘community as curriculum’
- depending on one’s pedagogical position, one can argue about feasibility and validity of knowledge created within a community
- Yes, it takes a particular kind of learner to engage with the mythology of DS106 and understand that the learning is in the engagement.
- The psychology of creativity involves a great deal and as the new self appointed DS106 Headless Shrink I hope to bring some of that capability into the collective.
- Some see this interactional pattern and have accused DS106 of being cult. I
- [but] the vast majority of the rest of them will just keep blindly following one super professor messiah after another, thinking that they’re learning something important about life when in fact what they’re really doing is helping the enemies of higher education keep more people from ever becoming enlightened at all.
There’s so much of this fast-growing vine in the Southeastern U.S., you might think it was a native plant. Actually, it took a lot of hard work to help kudzu spread so widely. Now that it covers over seven million acres of the deep South, there are a lot of people working hard to get rid of it! But kudzu is used in ways which might surprise you…plus Kudzu’s history
- - By Vanessa Vaile
Week Two's question of enforcing independence leads me to revisit an old post about semester-long collaborative projects for grad students.
- - By Cris Crissman
"being a lifelong learner is something you just have to take on personally"
- - By Terry Elliott
- - By Helen Crump
- being a lifelong learner is something you just have to take on personally;
- - By Terry Elliott
- Chaos abounds
- - By Helen Crump
- independence isn’t the only stance to learning that they need – what about dependence and interdependence?
- - By Terry Elliott
- “taking responsibility” doesn’t come naturally
- - By Terry Elliott
- To permit “responsibility” and enable learners to assert their independence, it seems to me (and to a few others) that schools, or any formal learning context, would do well to not only encourage learners to pursue their passion, but to honour their unique experiences and to give them voice.
- - By Terry Elliott
- “we conflate learning and schooling”
- - By Terry Elliott
- it’s not about seeing learning more clearly
- - By Terry Elliott
For #rhizo14 "This future wasn't created by the Bill Gates of the world. It was created by the Pete Seegers" via @oldaily
- - By Cris Crissman
- I’m finding it impossible to escape the thread of ‘ego’ running through the last ten days.
- - By Terry Elliott
- Independent learning is tough. Independent thinking even tougher.
- - By Terry Elliott
- I’ve thought about Tragic Life Stories (actually the name of a department in WH Smith) and the way in which they dominate not only TV and popular news media, but stories about adult learning too.
- - By Terry Elliott
- I want a dialogue that begins, “I can’t do this thing you asked me to do, in this timeframe,” and continues with, “What are you assuming, that is stopping you meeting the deadline?” – designed to search only for a strategy to get past whatever barrier has set itself in the way.
- - By Terry Elliott
- Bernard Williams ‘fetish of assertion’
- - By Terry Elliott
- So, released from time to time from the imperative to obey my ego, I walk happily into the swarm.
- - By Terry Elliott
Kevin uses chapter book Frindle, story of student's campaign to add new word to dictionary, to reflect on the uncertainty of the future and what his students will need to know and be able to do to be successful.
- - By Cris Crissman
2005 article on Nomads
- - By Jaap Bosman
- Learning to be implies the application of knowledge in the development of skills that allows us to fulfill a particular (professional or non-professional) role in society. But to highlight the fact that being is not static, I’m using learning as becoming to signify an ongoing process. Learning, as constant becoming, is the work of nomads, to use another Deleuzian image explained below by Semetsky (2004):
- Beautiful, terrifying mob
- - By Terry Elliott
- We will be long gone in the ether and without a care in their world.
- - By Terry Elliott
- - By Terry Elliott
- Chaos is a lure for gaze but hard to digest.
- - By Terry Elliott
- God we need fun, what more is there? God we need poetry, when they only give us time for prose.
- - By Terry Elliott
- #Rhizo14 is carnival.
- - By Terry Elliott
- - By Terry Elliott
- We are not all maggots.
- - By Terry Elliott
Rhizosemiotic Play and the Generativity of Fiction noel gough
- - By Jaap Bosman
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Week2: #rhizo14 Diigo group
…from the Nomad War Machine… |
no, not declaring yet—still orienting |
Saturday, January 18, 2014
from the Diigo #rhizo14 group (weekly)
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
a new look for work & life
Sunday, January 5, 2014
#Learning: Work or Life?
POT = Program for Online Teaching; whereas, "cert" is for the certificate I am not interested in. The course cover tools and pedagogy of teaching online. I expect discussions and links garnered from G+ to further illuminate course reflections.
After two years following, I missed the 2103 fall semester due to access and connectivity problems. Now I have high speed (cringing at the prospect of installation and winter heating bills decimating my SS pittance) and am looking forward to catching up with the edtech I could not always access let alone run. Both courses will be sources of help with glitches and answers to questions.Overall, the EVO (Electronic Village Online) workshops tend to a more congenial atmosphere because they are less workshops or courses that part of a Community of Practice.