Saturday, March 21, 2015

#SoL15 Day 21: Spring Blog Festival

...March is indeed the month of blogging. Today was Nellie Deutch's 13 hour Spring Blog Festival. I watched Stephen Downes, whose site, which includes OLDaily, could be called the ultimate super-blog for for techies and wired educators. I missed most of them. A full day of blogging presentation can be more than a bit much. They are archive if you missed: here are links for the archived presentations

Vance Stevens likes to play with multiple blogs too instead of having one big one. He was also a connectivist before connectivism...and perhaps a blogger before blogs. His presentation, which I am watching now, is a 15 year perspective on online learning and blogging. 

Slice of LIfe I am participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge: trying to blog a slice a day for all of March.  Thank you, Two Writing Teachers! Visit the site to read some slices


  1. Great post! I'll be back to check out that link on another day!

    1. Thanks -- hope you enjoy. If you've got more questions, just ask

  2. Replies
    1. without the nap that put me late, it probably would have been too full. I still have not checked out all the presentations

  3. And you managed to get your own slice in just at the wire! Good for you!

    1. and just in the nick of time at I started one much earlier

  4. Thank you for sharing!!! How were you aware of the event?

  5. How were you aware of the event? Thank you for sharing; I love this type of post!

    1. I got a couple of G+ notices -- one from the IT4ALL community hosting the event and another from one of the presenters. I wish I'd been more attentive and posted about it sooner. All the presentations are archived though.
