Thursday, March 5, 2015

#SOL15 Day 5: more #NAWD @InsideHigherEd

I was wondering what to slice for today. Reflecting on Two Writers Teachers' thought (inspiration?) for day five, I seem to be slicing on two tracks: memories and current preoccupations or whatever is currently on my mind. Because I already post so frequently on adjunct news and issues, reminiscing would have been my first choice.

That was until this appeared first thing this morning: Unnamed Adjunct Behind National Walkout Day Isn't Hiding Her Identity Anymore via @insidehighered 

That made today pretty much all about NAWD or #afterNAWD as the latest hashtag would have it -- more like #afterNAWD/sploitation, this time centering around Colleen Flaherty's piece about National Adjunct coming out and identifying herself -- and revisionist comment trolls coming out from under the bridge to...well, you know what trolls do

When will the flying monkeys arrive?

Anyway, in the article, Leah (formerly known as @NationalAdjunct) gave us, Marnie Weigle (from the California Part-time Faculty Association) and me, a marvelously generous call out for our help and identified us as primary henchwomen (if not a word, it should be) too. We're all getting flak. I've been accused of aggregation, as though that were a failing. More accurately, what I do is curation. Likewise, I assure you I am human, not a bot. Since the accusations came from parties trying to hijack and control the narrative -- re-write history. it's not hard to connect those dots.

Event related minutiae remains to be tended, mostly collecting, curating, organizing and archiving accounts of the event from across several countries and all over the internet and social media -- aggregation/curation again. Plus, I'm maintaining the Tumblr for the time being to update and process submissions. My friend Ana had problems submitting to the NAWD Tumblr. If others are having problems too, I need to address that and perhaps write up user tips. If the reply function -- it's because it is too long. Replies are supposed to be short. There are various posting options: reply briefly with or without a link, submit a post or post on your own blog and submit the link. In short, "Submit" means your message gets its own post, permalink -- and syndicated via rss feed to several Facebook pages and more Twitter streams

Some interested in submitting have, for whatever reason, not done so, Their call. If a story is public and worthy -- should be part of the collection. I will try to post it myself BUT a) I decide, not them, and b) when, on my own schedule -- and at a lower priority. Submissions seem to be picking up again.

Necessary routines and the routine maintenance of keeping something worthwhile going pushes other, lower order concerns, out of mind. So does slicing.

For more March slices, visit the gracious hosts at Two Writing Teachers


  1. Great job, Vanessa! It's so hard these days for the little people to make things right. Back to the history and the Constitution -- activism is US.

  2. Thanks Sheri ~ it's sad to see a few individual (or maybe just one with multiple accounts) attacking someone who had no personal agenda and was just trying to make a difference.

    PS I gather he is monitoring the #NAWD hashtag ~ a mistake to use it ~ so might leave a comment. If he does, I'll approve posting so you can see for your yourself
