Friday, March 9, 2018

Day 9 ramblings, another #sol18 Pantser

Yet another day puttering on-line, researching and curating links for a bullying and related social isolation project, catching up with local and education social media, worrying (albeit intermittently) about fissures in auto-sharing system -- broken by a long nap that my body must have needed as much as my eyes did.
About the eyes, yesterday (or maybe even the night before) a massive fleet of floaters moved into my left eye field of vision. I rigged up a makeshift patch, hauled out the post-cataract surgery dark glasses and have been avoiding direct daylight. Sleep helped for a while, dark glasses more though. Typing wearing dark glasses in low light is a challenge. My touch typing skills are limited. Maybe the practice I'm getting now will help. Please excuse typos missed in editing...

I might still write about the rest but in others posts -- you can never have too many fall back topics...

Two Writing Teachers host a weekly Tuesday and an annual March Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC). This is the 11th Annual SOLSC. During March, participants write daily blog posts, share them on the TWT blog and comment on three or more blog posts by other participants. Read more of today's blog posts here


  1. I bet that bullying and social isolation project is insightful! I hope you slice about it and that the floaters leave your eye soon!

    1. That's my plan -- would have posted more about it last night were my touch typing speedier and more accurate. This group would be ideal for feed back too

  2. I'm impressed that you're able to work and write with the dark glasses! It reminds me that some of those post-injury/surgery items are good to hold on to...never know when they will come in handy again. Hope the floaters go away soon.

    1. Better today, thank you. I'd looked at those glasses and wondered why was I keeping them. Now I know.
