Saturday, March 3, 2018

in transition: winter winding down, spring moving in #sol18

Yes, there are still isolated patches of snow on the ground but also signs of spring ~ lengthening days, more sunshine, buds on leafless trees.

3rd Avenue, toward Main from High Plains Manor

Today is a break from the projects I wrote about and will return to blogging about. I have a prototype to draft but today did laundry for a convalescing friend. It's always spring in the Manor laundry room thanks to local muralist Monica King.

Welcome to day three of Two Writing Teachers' 11th Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC). This is my 4th year to give it a shot. Last year was my first to complete the challenge by posting every day of March. My first attempt was close, the next not even close. That will be my day four topic -- courtesy of Puro Veronica's day two blog post

Because completion is important, I'm displaying my 31 days badge today. It's not everything though. The conversation is: finishing or not, that I can still be part of that by commenting on other blog posts and blogging on Tuesdays. So is just writing and being ever ready to start another streak.

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