Thursday, March 22, 2018

An early spring walk #sol18

I'm feeling better but still behind on email, trying to finish the same one for three days now, any dent I make in archiving re-fills at every turn like Cerridwen's Cauldron of plenty.

The good news is that, favorable weather at my side, I walked today, camera in hand, made my mile.

Early spring isn't that aesthetic yet, deciduous trees still bare, including the bodacious early blooming dogwoods, grass the palest of green, but the sun is bright, the sky blue and breathing-while-walking conditions

Cerridwen's Cauldron is also one of renewal. Green leaves, blooming dogwoods and spring flowers will be along soon.

Two Writing Teachers host a weekly Tuesday and an annual March Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC). This is the 11th one. During March, SOLSC participants write and share daily blog posts, and comment on three or more blog posts by other participants. Read today's (March 22, 2018) blog posts here

Not a slice, but Cerridwen's Cauldron, also a symbol of inspiration and creativity, seems appropriate.


  1. I loved your word choice and your pictures.

    1. Thanks, Alice -- still waiting for greener photo ops but there are always words to play
