Tuesday, March 27, 2018

oh the excitement of archiving #sol18

What have I done today? I slept more, which is usually a sign that something going around found my ever susceptible respiratory system-- and is best slept through. Besides that, I processed link collections

for #NeverAgain, adjunct faculty, Internet Collection, #Facebookistan (plenty of overlap there), #FOECast, and Class Action Litigation (for a California adjunct group) for digital archiving to the cloud -- hence the cloud image. Blog post title to the contrary, we all know archiving is not exciting -- nor are images for the activity.

More collections -- academic labor, education, edtech, online learning, higher education, disabilities, housing, rural development -- await processing. Looking for and finding the information is though. Processing it to share and, above all, so I can find it again is tedious but necessary. If I can't find that information again, along with related earlier pages that show patterns, whether of change or repetition, then what was the point of saving. My other goal with processing is to clear out links and send them to the cloud faster than I collect them. I'm not doing so well with that part.

It should have been a decent day for walking but I didn't. Maybe tomorrow. I was also going to describe processing but my concentration ran out before I could get to it.  I can either add a paragraph here or continue it in another post titled, "adventures in archiving, part 2: making the sausage"

Two Writing Teachers host weekly Tuesday and an annual March Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC). This is the 11th one. During March, SOLSC participants write and share daily blog posts, and comment on three or more blog posts by other participants. Read today's (March 27, 2018) blog posts here

 Let them eat (orange slice) cake...and comment

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