Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Today's earworm: Tressie McMillan Cottom and essaying | #sol21 Day 10

Missed morning start, picking up early afternoon on what is basically the same strategy as yesterday: free writing until something comes to me or something already there re-surfaces. Reading -- email, news, social media, blog posts -- stirs the mix. Which will be today's earworm? Unlike yesterday, my reading did not start with comments. 

Writing comes to/stays at the top, no surprise given the nature of the challenge. 

Today's fresh ingredient is Tressie McMillan Cottom's Dolly Parton essay, her follow up essay on process and the comment threads.

I started reading Tressie when she was a grad school blogger. Now she's a sociology prof with books, podcast, essays and more to her credit. Her Substack, essaying is about personal essays and the process of writing them.

The following are as much for thinking about a contribution on essaying's All Things Dolly thread as for a #sol21 post. Does it matter? How odd to be writing a slice about writing a comment somewhere else.

Entertainment and other celebrity Blondes: who are they? Not just Dolly and Ivanka, referenced in thread. Consider Mae West, Jean Harlow, Shirley Temple, Gracie Fields ("crazy like a fox"), Marilyn Monroe, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Legally Blonde. Was the white doll iBrown v. Board of Education a blue eyed blonde? Blondes, the film genre. And so on...

Takeaways: more resilient, clever blonds than dumb ones; Monroe (victim/martyr), Dolly and Ivanka (villain) as tryptich; Mae West/Dolly Parton comparison.

Other topics still in play for another, earworm candidates that did not make the attention cut: the politics of beef in rural Coloraado; movements; social media: branding vs conversation; urban/rural divide

The annual March Slice of Life Challenge (SOLSC) is hosted by Two Writing Teachers to encourage teachers-as-writers. Registration for this years challenge is closed, but you can still follow, even post, comment and share. Then join next year if you like. There is also a monthly call for Tuesday Slices, one a week instead of everyday for a month.

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